Monday 13 May 2013

11th May......Saltwick Bay.....

Space and Time...........

With long "summer" evenings its now possible to get out and about for some fresh air after a hard days toil, and with poor weather in the Dales I decided to check out the sunset possibilities on the coast.

The sunset didn't develope into anything special so I started to take some images of the action of the waves as they washed up the beach.  As the waves advanced or receded they produced significantly different images, as did the length of the exposure.

As I watched the motions of the water and its effect on the sand and rocks I could see a relationship between them and the Universe, the vastness of space filled with minute specks.

Tide coming in (2 secs @f22)

Tide going out (0.8sec @f22)





And finally a Sunset!

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