Sunday 26 May 2013

26th May.........Dow Crag,.... climbing now!

With some great Bank Holiday weather predicted the rock on Dow Crag in the Lakes seemed like a good idea.  Not having visited these cliffs before it was always going to be a real treat and I wasn't disappointed. The cliffs are the demain of true rock climbing, but there are a couple of options for the "enthusiastic" scrambler.  The gullies, which are really at their best when in full winter conditions, and a climb to the summit via Easy Terrace.

The climb to Easy Terrace up the open gully gets progressively steeper but has plenty of holds, after arriving at the Terrace.  From there pick your own way up, but keep to the left of the crag with Great Gully for company and soon you'll be on the arete that leads to the summit. 

It is very exposed in places on the top section, so definitely take a rope if you're not totally confident. 
Better to have it and not use it rather than need it and not have it!!

The path towards Goat Water
Easy Gully, A Buttress, Great Gully, B Buttress

B Buttress and Easy Terrace starting point

Easy Terrace start

A Buttress with climbers on the overhang

A Buttress from Easy Gully

Looking up Easy Gully

Looking down Easy Gully

Dow Crag with the Great Gully in the centre

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